If you would like to borrow one of these books please send a request accompanied by two 2nd class stamps. The maximum period of loan is for four weeks. The book should be returned in the padded bag in which it came, post paid by the borrower. One advantage of this service is that it enables one to preview the book before buying. Please apply to Richard Evans (address in BAEC Newsletter No. 135 April 2000 and membership list) or E-mail Webmaster for contact details. I phoned Mr. Evans on 2nd July 2006 and he says that he still holds most of the books, some having been disposed of, but may not wish to maintain the library forever.
Title Author Date Order as
Available from Webmaster:
The voice of the crystal lindsay pub. 2005 voc
Instruments of amplification lindsay pub. 2005 ioa
Latest club member books reviews available from
Recommended Electronics Books section.
Available from Club Librarian Ricard Evans:
110 cmos digital projects marston 1976 cos1
110 integrated circuit projects marston 1978 1cp2
110 semiconductor projects marston 1969 semi1
110 thyristor projects marston 1972 thy1
110 waveform generator projects marston 1978 wave1
20 solidstate projects for the home marston 1969 home2
25 simple amateur band aerials noll 1983 aer2
30 solderless breadboard projects ½ penfold 1983 bred1/2
301 circuits elektor 301
35 opto display terminal projects bebbington 1997 opto7
38 pract. diode circuits for the home constr. babani 1992 dio2
45 simple electronic terminal block projects bebbington 1995 term1
50 circuits using 7400 series ics soar 1979 74xx
50 circuits using diodes soar 1982 dio1
50 cmos ic projects penfold 1977 cos3
50 field effect transistor projects rayer 1977 fet1
50 projects using relays, scrs and triacs rayer 1977 rst
50 simple led circuits 1 / 2 soar 1981 led1/2
555 timer applications source book 5552
68000 assembly language, introduction to penfold 1986 680/3
adventures in electronics duncan 1980 ad2
adventures in microelectronics duncan 1980 ad1
aerial projects penfold 1982 aer1
art of programming the 16k zx81 the james/gee 1982 zx81/1
art of programming the 1k zx81 james/gee 1982 zx81/2
audio hifi construction projects babani 1976 audio1
basic and pascal in parallel wainwright 1983 bas2
beginners guide to cmos digital ics cmos1
beginners guide to midi penfold 1983 midi1
beginners guide to mod. electronic comps. penfold 1990 compo1
beginners guide to ttl digital ics a penfold 1993 ttl1
biorythm electronic experimenters lab babani bio1
circuit source book 1 / 2 cct1 / 2
computer practical experiments babani expc
concise into. to quark express. a glenwright 1991 quark 1
concise intro. to word 5.1 on the mac glenwright 1993 word1. 5
counter driver and numerical display projs. num
cp/m an introduction to cpm
digital ic projects dig2
easy add-on projects for spectrum zx81 bishop 1983 sp13
easy pc interfacing penfold 1995 pc21
electronic board games bebbington 1994 games9
electronic calculator users handbook babani 1976 calc2
electronic circuits for model railways babani 1976 mre1
electronic control, practical projects bishop 1996 cont2
electronic design, practical data bishop 1996 des7
electronic gadgets for the constructor bradley e,n, 1963 elg1
electronic games egg2
electronic hobbyists handbook penfold ehh
electronic household projects penfold 1980 hous10
electronic modems and systems bishop 1989 mod
electronic music projects penfold 1980 mus10
electronic novelties for the constructor nov1
electronic novelty designs nov3
electronic project building for beginners penfold 1966 proj3
electronic projects for cars and boats penfold 1981 car2
electronic projects for experimenters penfold 1995 epx
electronic projects for the garden bebbington 1995 garden4
electronic projects for video enthusiasts penfold 1994 vid3
electronic projects for your PC penfold 1992 pc1
electronic projects in hobbies rayer 1979 elh2
electronic projects in the home bishop 1979 elh1
electronic science projects sci1
electronic synthesiser projects berry 1981 synth1
electronic timer projects rayer 1980 time1
electronics build and learn penfold elbu
fun with electronics mcpherson 1980 fune
getting started in practical electronics bishop 1994 est1
getting the most from your multimeter penfold 1988 met3
getting the most from your pc's hard disc penfold 1990 pc7
handbook of practical musical novelties babani 1973 mus7
how to design and make your own pcbs penfold 1983 pcb2
how to expand, modernise and repair pcs penfold 1990 pc3
how to get your electronic projects working penfold 1982 proj1
how to identify unmarked ics recon ic3
how to use op-amps parr 1982 opa1
how to use oscilloscopes penfold 1989 osc3
ic lm3900 projects kybelt 1978 3900
ic projects for beginners rayer 1982 icp
ic555 projects parr 1978 555
interfacing pcs and compatibles penfold 1992 pc4
international diode equivalents guide dio1
international radio stations guide shore 1991 rad10
internet and www explained the shelley 1996 web3
introduction to loudspeaker design capel 1988 loud1
introduction to networks for the pc&mac bishop 1995 net2
introduction to video mathewson 1983 vid2
introduction to ww web for mc/mac bishop 1996 web2
linear ic equivalents michaels 1978 linic3
logo for beginners penfold 1988 log1
loudspeaker enclosure design, intro to capel 1988 loud2
making a transistor radio dobbs 1972 rad5
micro interfacing circuits 1/2 penfold 1984 mic1/2
microcomputers, an introduction to penfold 1997 pic2
minmatrix board projects penfold 1982 mmb
model railway electronics amos mre
model railway projects penfold mrp
modern ic-amp projects penfold 1982 opa2
modern opto device projects penfold 1987 opto1
more advanced electronic security projects sec1
more advanced power supply projects pow2
more advanced test meter construction penfold 1989 test2
more advanced uses of the multimeter penfold 1989 met2
msdos6 explained kantaris/oliver 1993 msdos1
op-amp users handbook penfold 1994 opa3
oscillator circuits, practical ilind 1996 osc6
popular electronic circuits 1 / 2 penfold 1978 pope1 / 2
power supply projects penfold 1980 pow1
practical calculations and formulas wilson 1981 calc3
practical electronic building blocks 1 / 2 penfold 1983 peb1 / 2
practical electronic music projects penfold 1994 mus5
practical electronic musical effects penfold 1994 mus4
practical electronic musical novelties mus7
practical electronic sensors bishop 1991 sens1
practical fibre optic circuits fop1
practical introduction to digital ics dig1
practical opto-electronic projects penfold 1994 prop2
practical remote control projects bishop 1997 rem2
pract. repair and renovation of colour TVs miller 1976 tv2
preamplifier and filter circuits penfold 1991 pre1
prebasic book, the wilson 1985 bas1
precomputer book, the wilson 1983 comp6
project planning and building colwell 1976 proj2
projects in opto-electronics penfold 1978 prop1
radio antenna handbook babani ant1
radio antenna handbook for long distance babani ant2
radio repair l awry-johns 1987 rad3
railway modellers (computer projects for) amos/cook 1987 perm3
remote control handbook bishop 1988 rem1
robots, electronic circuits for control of penfold 1986 rob2
robots, make and program your own clark 1985 rob1
safety electronics (build it, book of) graf/whalen 1976 saf1
science projects babani 1975 sci3
security projects (more advanced electronic) penfold 1988 sec1
semiconductor technology wilson 1987 semi2
sensors and transducers brindley 1988 sens2
sequencer secrets waugh 1995 seq1
servicing radio & hi-fi equipment serv1
shortwave superhet receiver constr. penfold 1991 sw1
simple ic projects penfold 1979 icp3
simple sensor terminal block projs. bebbington 1997 sens2
simple shortwave receiver constr. penfold 1990 sw2
single ic projects penfold 1979 icp3
system designers manual texas 1973 74xx3
tape recorder, extra equipmnt for rasheed 1961 tape
test equipment construction penfold 1989 test1
test gear projects dixon 1990 test3
timing, practical electronic bishop 1993 time2
transistor circuits manual 1/2/4 sinclair 1960 xist1/2/4
transistor data tables steidie 1995 xist6
transistor equivalents babani 1974 xist8
transistor radio fault finding chart miller rad4
transistor selector guide babani 1987 txsg
transistors brown 1969 xist2
understanding digital technology wilson 1995 dig5
understanding pc software penfold 1991 pc2
understanding pc specs penfold 1990 pc5
using an oscilloscope easterling 1960 osc4
why not personalise your pc oliver/kantaris 1995 pc13
windows95 explained oliver/kantaris 1995 win2
z80 machine code, introduction to penfold 1984 z801
z80 workshop manual,a parr 1983 x802
We are looking for suggestions for new books to add to the library. These should preferably be the small paperback type which you have found personally to be useful and which are easy to send and return by post. Suggestions to our librarian Richard Evans or to me at Bristol. Ed.
Book Reviews - Gems from the Club Library
110 CMOS Digital IC Projects by R.M. Marston (Library ref: COS)
A straightforward collection of practical construction projects using the CD4001, CD4011, CD4013, CD4017, CD4018, CD4026, CMOS IC's.
How to build multivibrator circuits, an analogue frequency meter, tachometer, DC lamp control circuits, flasher, relay switches, time switches, under and over-temperature switches, light-activated switches, water level switch, sound generator, continuity tester, Morse code practice oscillator, door annunciator, metronome, alarm generator, burglar alarm systems and frequency dividers.
Digital Logic gates and Flip-Flops by Ian Sinclair (Library ref: DIG7)
Do not be put off reading this book because there is a lot of theory behind the use of common logic chips: all the explanations are simple and clear.
Subjects covered are truth tables, inverters, buffers, TTL, MOS, Schottky inputs and open-collector and tri-state outputs, gate analysis, the XOR gate and Boolean logic, Kavanaugh mapping, DeMorgan's theorems and arithmetic functions, Flip-flops, asynchronous and synchronous counting and Johnson counters. Registers and memory, PIPO, PISO and SIPO systems and the microprocessor.