Car Alarm? by B. Sandle
- using LM3909 LED flasher IC as a warning device in a car.
Calling all creatures great and small? by E.A. Matthews
- about projects that use the 555 timer, CMOS 40106 IC, x2 BD135 Transistor (NPN) and x2 BD136 Transistor (PNP).
Corrections and Additions - indentifing Pin 1 of an IC and a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Layout for etching a Function Generator circuit.
News and Views
- about 'Practical Electronics' magazine and details about Electronic Component Suppliers.
Low-Ohm Meter
- constuction details, circuit diagrams and PCB Layout. Range: 10 ohms - 2 Mega-ohms.
Unijunction Transistors (UJT) by Matthew H. Williams
- goes into great detail about how they work including diagrams, graphs and equations.
Component Handling Precautions -
ists minimal damaging voltages for different devices. Can be as low as 30V for VMOS, generally 250V, but 1000V for a Schottky TTL IC (used among other things to debouce buttons various voltage shifts caused by it's spring). ALLOWS WEAR AN ANTI-STATIC WRISTBAND WHEN DEALING WITH IC'S OR OPEN COMPUTERS! PLUG IT INTO EARTH AND TEST IF POSSIBLE. Or your circuit or computer will be inretrievable damaged!
Envoi - advice for using Christmas leftovers for Electronics tasks.