"I would like to thank all those who have taken the trouble to complete and return the questionnaire. I have not entered into the computer those telephone numbers which are ex-directory. I suggest that the enquiry system should work as follows:
If you have an enquiry, send me details of the information required and a stamped self-addressed envelope. I will send back a list of members who may be able to help, along with details of what information the computer was given in order to produce the list. I shall supply only a list of names and addresses, and it will then be up to the enquirer to make direct contact with one or more of the members on the list by letter or telephone.
For example, you may wish to build a burglar alarm. In this case I would key in the requirement "has built a burglar alarm". I should then send you a list of names and addresses of members who had built one. There are endless possibilities; for example, you may want to build a project from a magazine but are missing an issue and want to know who else gets that particular magazine. You may want to know who has built a laser or a radio controlled car. You may be having trouble getting a constructional project working, in which case you need to know who else has built one or has a particular piece of test gear. You might want to know who is experienced in PCB production or transistor theory etc., etc.
I hope to be able to produce a statistical print-out of the results of the survey in the near future. As a result of having keyed all the information in, a number of interesting responses have emerged. For instance, the Maplin magazine 'Electronics' is by far the most popular, at least one member has a laser, several members have experience of fibre optic construction, nearly all the members are interested in solar and wind power, and more than half own a computer.
Finally, I would like to ask those who have not returned the questionnaire to do so. You too may need some help in the future."
One point which has emerged is that the database comes under the scope of the Data Protection Act, because data is being stored about B.A.E.C. members. As a result of information provided by the Data Protection Registrar, the club should be exempt from registration provided the following action is taken and members are notified of that action:
Aircraft band listening Oscillators Antennas Passed radio amateurs exam Antenna tuners Photographic aids Audio amplifiers Power control A.C. Audio mixers Power control D.C. Battery chargers Power supplies Boats and caravans, circuits for Printed circuit boards, making Burglar alarms Radar CB radio Radio control for model boats Cassette recorders (non hi-fi) ditto for model cars Cassette/radio receiver ditto for model planes Computer peripherals, adding Receivers, MW/LW Computer electronics ditto FM Computer programming RF amplifiers Computer use RF converters DC-DC converters Robotics Detecting/monitoring heat Satellite Radio ditto light Short wave listening ditto pH Solar Power ditto sound Sonar ditto temperature Sound effects/synthesisers ditto water Sound recording Electronic speech Surface mounting techniques Fibre optics Telephone electronics Filters Television, amateur Hi-fi amplifier Television, broadcast Hi-fi cassette deck Television, closed circuit Hi-fi compact disc Television, DXing Hi-fi graphic equaliser Television, satellite Hi-fi record deck Timers/counters Infra-red transmitter/receiver Tuners, FM Lasers ditto MW/LW Licenced amateur UHF (TV) amplifiers Lighting control Ultrasonic transmitter/receiver Linear IC circuit design Valves, circuits using Logic IC circuit design VHF band listening Metal detectors Video recorders Microphones Vintage Radio Model trains Weather monitoring Morse Wind power Motors Musical keyboards 2. Magazines Electronics and Wireless World Maplin magazine (Electronics) Electronics Today International Practical Electronics Elektor Electronics Practical Wireless Everyday Electronics Radio Communication Ham Radio Today Television 3. Equipment owned. Audio signal generator Oscilloscope Capacitance meter RF signal generator CB radio Spectrum analyser Computer Sweep generator Frequency meter Scanner Inductance meter VHF receiver Short wave receiver VHF transmitter Short wave transmitterI should like to thank Mr. Hind most warmly not only for the considerable amount of work he has done in drawing up and distributing this questionnaire and analysing the responses, but also for his generosity in defraying the cost of the operation as a donation to the club. I feel Sure it will prove to be a valuable resource for members. H.F.H.