Electronic Engineering Character Set

Char Alt Key Code Description
½'Alt 171'Halve
¼'Alt 172'Quarter
Å'Alt 197'Angtrom - 10-10
ß'Alt 225'Beta
µ'Alt 230'Micro - 10-6
±'Alt 241'Plus / Minus
Char Alt Key Code Description
'Alt 0153'Trademark
©'Alt 0169'Copyright
®'Alt 0174'Registered Trademark
²'Alt 0178'Square
³'Alt 0179'Cube
÷'Alt 0247'Divide

Char HTML Code Description
@ FONT FACE="Symbol" @/FONT Approximately Equal to
a FONT FACE="Symbol" a/FONT Alpha
b FONT FACE="Symbol" b/FONT Beta
m FONT FACE="Symbol" m/FONT Micro - 10-6
p FONT FACE="Symbol" p/FONT PI
± FONT FACE="Symbol" ±/FONT Plus / Minus
³ FONT FACE="Symbol" ³/FONT Greater than or Equal to
´ FONT FACE="Symbol" ´/FONT Times
¸ FONT FACE="Symbol" ¸/FONT Divide
º FONT FACE="Symbol" º/FONT Equivalent to
£ FONT FACE="Symbol" £/FONT Less Than or Equal
Ö FONT FACE="Symbol" Ö/FONT Square Root
All FONT FACE="Symbol" symbols here. Lots, and lots of Engineering Characters ;-)

The following Character Set table contains four columns:

  1. Char. This is the actual character.
  2. Code. This is the decimal code number for the character.
  3. Name. This is the entity name for the character.
  4. Description. A short description on the character.
In all cases, you may use the decimal code number to represent the character, or the entity name if that's available. A number is used like this: µ to represent the 181th character. Since this character also has a name, you can also use µ to represent it. This only works in HTML.

Char Code Name Description
 160 nbsp Non-breaking space
 169 copy Copyright sign
 174 reg Registered trademark
 176 deg Degree sign
 177 plusmn Plus-minus sign
 178 sup2 Superscript 2
 179 sup3 Superscript 3
 181 micro Micro - 10-6
 183 middot Middle dot
Char Code Name Description
 185 sup1 Superscript 1
 188 frac14 One quarter
 189 frac12 One half
 190 frac34 Three quarters
 197 Aring Angtrom - 10-10
 215 times Multiplication sign
 223 szlig sharp s
 247 divide division sign
 248 oslash o slash