A colleague of mine is looking for an attractive' wireless set of 1930s or earlier vintage (i.e. something that would look good in-the living room) that needs a bit of DIY renovation (electrical or mechanical) to return it to working order. If anyone has one languishing in a corner and is unlikely ever to get round to fixing it up, he would be interested. No complete wrecks or impossible jobs, please, and nothing post war. He is prepared to pay a good price for the right unit. Please refer any offers to Philip Miller Tate, 21 Esher Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, telephone or fax 01932 253451, or E-mail:
Philmt59@aol.com not
David Ledgard (19 St. Helen's Mill, St. Helens Wharf, Abingdon, Oxon., OX14 5EN. E-mail:
) offers the following for sale:
14,400bps external modem with Internet CD, suitable for a PC - £30 inc. P&P. Selling due to upgrade. Good for beginners.
Display Panel 8 x 4 (as seen in Greenweld list), complete with power supply, QUICC interface with software (Windows and DOS) - £40 inc. P&P. Cheaper than Greenweld - and it works. Will need case and cooling fan if used commercially. Can be driven from PC or laptop.
Amstrad PC1512 interface, includes alphanumeric display, LCD display, speech synthesiser, and A/D converter. £7.50 each inc. P&P. Comes with Pascal software. Send for details.
Keith Law (15 Norman Street, Dudley, W. Midlands, DY2 8LU. Tel: 01384 822632. E-mail: miner@cableinet.co.uk
) has the following equipment for sale:
SCSI x2 CD-ROM drive in case with internal PSU and fan, in good condition, with volume control and headphone jack on front - £15 inc. P&P.
1meg/2meg PCI GFX card for most PCs - £6 inc. P&P.
30 2.5" hard drives between 40 and 200meg, but there is only one 200meg drive. All are formatted for use on an Amiga but can just as well be used on a PC - £6 each inc. P&P. All proceeds from the sale of these will go to BAEC club funds.
If anyone still uses 5.25" floppy disks, I have a large lockable perspex box containing about 200 disks. The box and disks are available for £12 inc. P&P.
Jumbo 350 tape streamer, almost new, with two brand new 120meg tapes. It will fit any PC with a spare 5.25" bay, and has its own special lead to connect to the floppy port, so no IRQs to bother about. It is a worthwhile investment for backing up data you don't want to leave on your hard disk in case of a computer crash or theft - £30 inc. P&P.
Finally, a CD full of electronic data and specifications on almost everything, including the PIC16C84, and some good electronic tutorials and shareware programmes - £5 inc. P&P.
Brian Broad (20 Churchill Avenue, Hadleigh, Suffolk, IP7 6BT. Tel: 01473 823877) has now produced a new issue of his catalogue for BAEC members, which includes the following items:
5mm bicolour LEDs red/green: 9p
5mm ultrabright red LEDs: 7p
BC213 small plastic general purpose PNP transistors: 2p
BC338 similar NPN: 2p
Rendar 240V 0.5A push button switches DPNO: 47p
Similar switches with 1NO + 1NC contacts: 47p
Tuning Capacitors 0-365pF: £2.50
PIC microcontroller hardware starter kits for PIC55/57: £6.50
The following items listed in the last newsletter are still available from the chairman (Mr. H. F. Howard, 41 Thingwall Park, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2AJ. Tel: 0117 9658191):
Sanyo with prop stand and twin jack plug (as supplied with tape recorders)
Eumig 700U130 - probably crystal
Headphones: Ericsson 4000 ohms (from the "wireless" era), free for the cost of postage
Ex-army pair, 63 ohms, with a rather better frequency response, free for the cost of postage
On the trading page in the last newsletter I mentioned Kenzen as a specialist supplier of valves and related components. This firm was founded by Ken Bailey, who was a member of the BAEC some time ago and has recently rejoined the club. He has written to me to say that his firm sells all kinds of electronic components, but their speciality is obsolete items. Most of his business is mail order, but he also attends many radio rallies and other specialist exhibitions throughout the UK. He will be pleased to help any member who experiences difficulty in sourcing components, as he says he has over three million items in his warehouse, and if he does not stock the item he will be able to suggest an alternative supplier. He does not issue a comprehensive catalogue, but issues lists of valves and component packs which he will gladly send to any member who sends a SAE. His firm's address is: Kenzen, Unit 9, 16-20 George Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 9RG. Tel: 0121 4464346 Fax: 0121 4405323.