
Alf Denison, who died a short while ago at the early age of 53, made an outstanding contribution to the B.A.E.C. He joined the club early in 1991 and his first article appeared in the June newsletter that year, which as issue No. 100 celebrated 25 years of the club's existence. He was then an experienced electronics designer, and in the December issue that year he started his series of Designer's Notes, which continued with only one break until the 12th instalment in the December 1994 newsletter. In July 1994 he started a new series entitled Beginner's Notebook, which continued until September 1996. He edited the newsletter from December 1994, but at the end of 1996 he decided that he must give up that responsibility and his membership of the B.A.E.C.

Many present members will not know that Alf had severe circulatory problems which involved periodic short periods in hospital, and prevented him from making any effective use of his left arm and hand. It is probable that the worsening of this affliction eventually caused his death. But he showed great courage in refusing to allow his disability to affect his contributions to and later the editing of the newsletter. He was always ready to advise members in dealing with their electronic problems, and took much care to ensure that they were solved satisfactorily.

Not long after joining the B.A.E.C. he married a lady he had met in Bulgaria while he was working on an electronics installation. Ilonka joined him in this country, and they had a son who is now six years old. We extend our sympathy to them both.

Another long time B.A.E.C. member, John Walsh of Rotherham, died recently at the age of 70. He was one of a small number of members who offered to shop at Maplin for other members, and as N.R.Bardwell's firm is based in Sheffield he was willing to deal with them also on behalf of members, so sadly that service is no longer available.